AI Powered Code Editor Made for  Webflow

A Code environment with code prediction and full intellisense support for Javascript and CSS


Better Code Experience

We built Flowblock to forever fix the Webflow code embed shortcoming. While doing this we added a sprinkle of AI to assist you with writing code in Webflow designer.

Ask AI. Press ⌘ + K anytime to ask inbuilt assistant to help you with writing code.

Code Predictions. Get real-time code suggestions as you type for both Javascript and CSS.

Intellisense. Enjoy features like code highlighting, syntax suggestions, and autocompletion, just like in VS Code.

Built in CDN. Your files are hosted on our fast, global CDN for seamless performance.

Just Press Tab

Flowblock is smart enough that it can predict what you are about to write.

While you are typing, Flowblock knows the context of your current file and where you cursor is, it predicts next words, or sometimes whole code.

You can accept these suggestion by just pressing Tab, like you just did.

Built with Intellisense

We built Flowblock on strong foundations, it is powered by the on the same text editor  that powers industry standard IDE - VS Code.

Error Detection

We detects common coding mistakes and provides smart recommendations.

Autocomplete Sytax

Native language code predictions as you type, reducing errors.

Code Highlighting

Syntax-aware styling makes your JavaScript and CSS easy to read and debug.

Unleash Webflow’s Full Potential

From freelancers to enterprises, we've crafted plans that work for everyone. Start with our generous free plan, supporting the Webflow community.


Free Plan
Access to Editor
Saved Files
10 / project
Code Completions
Ask AI Promts


Dev Plan
Access to Editor
Saved Files
100 / project
Code Completions
Ask AI Promts


Pro Plan
Access to Editor
Saved Files
Code Completions
Ask AI Promts

Learn more